two hands vector reaching each other with a black background

OPLOG x PackUpp

Spray bottles image with OPLOG logo on one side and PackUpp logo on the other side.

We offer exclusive deals with Turkey's leading cargo companies at advantageousprices.

OPLOG's integration with top cargo companies offers affordable shipping rates for your orders. Our OPLOG One platform enables you to monitor your entire operation in real time, 24/7. 

What does the OPLOG & PackUpp collaboration provide? 

 OPLOG One allows you to monitor all your delivery processes in real time, beginning when an order is received on your e-commerce site.

Our exclusive Cargo Alert System takes proactive measures in orders that may experience delays due to various reasons, guaranteeing that your customers are content and devoted to your brand. 

Integrate easily

Magento brand logoShopify brand logoTicimax brand logoT-soft brand logoWoo brand logoDynamics 365 brand logo

Let us manage your post-purchase processes.